Mend in Public Day Tallinn, Estonia

By Fashion Revolution

6 months ago

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20/04/2024 12:00 - 16:00 (Europe/London)
Kopli Couture, Telliskivi Creative City
Address: Telliskivi Creative City, Telliskivi, Tallinn, Estonia

On April the 20th from 14-18 we meet to stitch and mend our clothes as a protest against disposable fashion and prolong our engagements with loved clothes. We meet at and in front of Kopli Couture, Telliskivi Creative City.
Bring your own garment that needs repair or is worn out. We will provide the materials and tutorials needed. But you are welcome to bring your own tools and scrap fabric and threads.
The event is at the program of the first global Mend in Public Day hosted by Fashion Revolution.
Loved Clothes Last!

20. aprillil kell 14-18 koguneme, et ühiselt oma rõivaid nõeluda ja paigata ning seista vastu ühekordselt kasutatavate moele ja pikendada suhet armastatud riideesemetaga,
Kohtume Kopli Couture poe ees (ja sees), Telliskivi Loomelinnakus.
Tule ja võta kaasa parandamist ootav rõivaese. Kohapeal on olemas nii materjalid kui juhendajad. Kuid ka oma töövahendid on teretulnud.
Üritus on osa esimesest ülemaailmsest Avalikult parandamise päeva programmist.
Hoolivat ja pikka suhet rõivastega!

Cost: Free

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