Heritage Day: Home

By Fashion Revolution

9 months ago

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21/04/2024 05:00 - 13:00 (America/New_York)
MoMu - Fashion Museum Antwerp
Address: Nationalestraat 28, Antwerpen, België

What makes a house a home? On Heritage Day, we seek an answer to that question and delve into crafts at the kitchen table.

Perhaps you remember your (grand)mother tucking socks at the kitchen table, or do you go to work at home yourself with needle and thread to create, embellish or repair something?

Handiwork at home is a tradition from our regions that today mainly takes place in leisure time, but for a long time was a necessary (side) job for some women. Within girls' education, learning handicraft techniques was therefore firmly built into the curriculum. In recent years, handicrafts have been on the rise, with the aim of personalising clothes, but also repairing them to be worn for longer.

During Heritage Day, you will discover in the MoMu Library, in addition to several pieces of handicrafts (embroidery, lace, etc.), the story of the Maagdenhuis in Antwerp, where young orphan girls were trained in sewing, embroidery and lace-making. In addition, you can also join an initiation Visible Mending, where you can try out some mending techniques to repair (your own) clothes.

Cost: Free

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