Berlin | Upcycling auction and screen printing workshop

By Fashion Revolution

3 years ago

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23/04/2022 12:00 - 17:00 (Europe/London)
Address: Auguste-Viktoria-Allee 99, 13403 Berlin

On 23.04. the NochMall is all about upcycling - because to be fashionable clothes and accessories don't have to come from fresh resources anymore!

From 12pm to 1:30pm the regional group of Fashion Revolution Berlin invites you to the upcycling auction of different designers and companies at NochMall to show you the variety, creativity and beauty of upcycling. Unique garments and accessories will be auctioned off for a good cause: 50% of the proceeds will go to #LeaveNoOneBehind, which is currently supporting refugees from Ukraine in particular, and 50% will go to the Fashion Revolution association, which is using these funds to continue its educational work and enlightenment. To find out who was involved in the production process of the fashion pieces and what the respective upcycling approach is, the designers and companies will be introduced.

You can expect pieces from Tata Christiane, Emeka Suits, Bridge&Tunnel, Up-Fuse, Anima Protection, Skarabea, Beverly Berlin, MOOT, Melisa Minca, SICA, Hannasin, Dzaino, bis es mir vom Leibe fällt, Thx Mate, Mainseam and many more.

You can find more information on our Instagram account: fashrev_berlin

We are looking forward to seeing you!

Address: Auguste-Viktoria-Allee 99, 13403 Berlin

Registration: None


Instagram: fashrev_berlin

On 04/23, NochMall is all about upcycling - because to be fashionable, clothing and accessories no longer have to come from fresh resources!

Following our upcycling auction, from 2 p.m. to 5 p.m. in the open workshop, old pieces of clothing can be upgraded with a new screen print and become a new eye-catcher. So bring your old t-shirts, jackets or bags etc* and set them off with the slogan "Who made my clothes?" or this year's Fashion Revolution Week theme "Money Fashion Power".

You can find more information on our Instagram account: fashrev_berlin

We are looking forward to seeing you!

*The printing color is black, so please don't bring too dark textiles. NochMall will also provide second hand t-shirts if you can't bring one from home.

Address: Auguste-Viktoria-Allee 99, 13403 Berlin, Germany

Registration: None


Instagram: fashrev_berlin

Cost: Free