Old clothes gets a second chance in a one day flea market

By George Buid

1 year ago

Manila, Philippines – Wine gets better with age and so does clothes where they gets fabulous with decades. That’s what vintage fashion is all about, give second chances to old clothes. The last Sunday of the May held a vintage community flea market where you can grab as many old clothes as you can.

The vintage community flea market ran a one day event on 28th of May 2023 called “Second Chances” at the Escolta street, Manila. The First United Building hosted the Second Chances event at the first floor. Appropriately, the vintage Art Deco building’s first floor housed the popular Berg’s department store before the malls where built. Now, a second chance to relive the popular department where you can wear all the old goodies that you can.


Bring back the good old times

A buffet of the rare, beautiful and luxurious old fashioned clothes from various pop-up stores to vintage vendors. Here you can find Glorious Dias and The Vintage Junkie Manila with pop-up stores Luntian Palamuti Atbp, Wear Kahel, RioTaso, Season Pass and so much more where they help the fashionistas find the those old gorgeous clothes to re-wear them. This vintage community brings back the fashion era from the 1960.

The moment you stepped in you are greeted with an atmosphere from the past. A past that screams with a visual feast of all the vintage clothes with the background music of Manila in the 1960s to 1970s. A fashionista gets drowned with so much choices from clothes to accessories. A feeling of endless creativity and that fashion could never die.

A Fashionista’s dream come true

Jodinand Villaflores Aguillon advocate of upcycled fashion and the owner of Glorious Dias have dreamt of this event for a long time and it finally happened with The Vintage Junkie Manila, Season Pass, Hub Make Lab, Pineapple Lab and The First United Building. A moment where everyone can be on a one stop shop of all vintage as a new fashion or a restyled new trend. People in this event may be unaware that they are already creating an impact. A gesture to buy these old clothes as to repurpose or upcycled already help reduce textile waste that has become one of the major impact to the environment. At the same time, the consumers learned to appreciate these clothes, the people who made them and ourselves. The Second Chances brought such awareness and impact in this small community.

Create a habit of awareness

This one day event created an echo of meaningful gesture. A gesture would hopefully allow modern consumers to understand the value of clothes and the people behind it. An aim to help create a shopper’s habit to spend less and buy smartly on their next fashion items.