
By Fashion Revolution

3 years ago

Upcoming events

  • 12/04/2021 08:00 - 14/04/2021 09:00


    Cada año, Altrapo Lab, en colaboración con La Casa Encendida, programan actividades durante el mes de abril, que ayudan a difundir la urgencia de un cambio en el sistema de la  moda. Una transformación  que genere un impacto positivo a nivel ambiental y social.

    En esta ocasión, han organizado para el 15 de abril de 18:00 a 19:00, un diálogo con dos organizaciones internacionales, que promueven la reducción de los impatos negativos de la industria textil, y  dos personas expertas implicadas en proyectos de moda que trabajan dentro de los parámetros de la sostenibilidad.


    Kavita Parmar, es profesora del Máster en Tecnología e Innovación en Diseño de Moda del CSDMM-UPM y una de las voces que buscan repensar la industria de la moda. En su trayectoria como diseñadora y creadora de marcas de moda siempre ha apostado por la sostenibilidad y la recuperación de la artesanía y tradiciones textiles. Raasta, Suzie Wong y The Iou Project son algunas de las marcas que ha impulsado a lo largo de su carrera.

    Núria Nubiola, fundadora de Back to Eco-InfiniteDenim una marca de moda sostenible especializada en el tejido vaquero. Utilizan este tejido reutilizado o reciclado para diseñar y producir colecciones de prendas nuevas. Y cuentan con su propio taller de confección social.

    Eva Kreisler, coordinadora estatal de la red Campaña Ropa Limpia. Organización internacional que trabaja en defensa de los derechos laborales de las personas trabajadoras de la confección.

    Celia Ojeda, forma parte del equipo de Greenpeace España, liderando proyectos relacionados con la sostenibilidad y el consumo. La organización ha realizado informes sobre la industria de la moda como Destino Cero, Detox o Puntadas tóxicas.

    Modera: Natalia Castellanos, socia fundadora de Altrapo Lab.

    Conexión a través del canal Zoom de La Casa Encendida. Jueves 15 de abril de 18 a 19h

  • 16/04/2021 08:30 - 18/04/2021 10:30

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    Webinar sobre como a transparência é um factor diferenciador para comunicar no futuro.

    A transparência pode ser desafiante, principalmente porque no mundo empresarial é vista como uma fraqueza, mas não precisa de ser, neste webinar queremos mostrar a transparência como um factor diferenciador para comunicar no futuro.

    Bio: Cristiana Costa especializou-se em design de moda e têxtil e é a fundadora da Näz e foi durante 1 ano professora convidada na UBI. Foca-se em trabalhar a sustentabilidade em todos os setores da sua vida.

    Segue em

  • 17/04/2021 08:30 - 19/04/2021 08:30

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    Webinar sobre como gerir o desperdício têxtil.

    Para criarmos uma indústria têxtil realmente sustentável e circular precisamos construir um ecossistema saudável. Vamos abrir a comunicação entre os agentes envolvidos e descobrir como tornar isso uma realidade.

    Bio: Ana Margarida Sargento é licenciada e mestre em design de moda, formadora de modelagem, costura e upcycling na Companhia das Agulhas e coordenadora do projecto Re:Costura.

    Segue em @anaaqueladosoculos

  • 17/04/2021 09:00 - 19/04/2021 11:00
    Join us in an online interactive workshop to discover how you can use fashion waste to scale your business!


    Waste in fashion is a critical issue.

    According to the National Environment Agency (NEA), Singapore generated 205,800 tonnes of textile and leather waste in 2019, out of which only 6% was recycled.

    As part of Fashion Revolution Week 2021, Reapra, a venture builder and investment group, have teamed up with Anisa Johnny, Senior Lecturer in Fashion Marketing at the Raffles College of Higher Education, to host an interactive online workshop where participants can learn about the inefficiencies of the fashion industry and tap into Reapra's expertise in building sustainable businesses.

    Learn from strategic business case studies of companies who have successfully used waste to scale sustainably, and meet other like-minded advocated for fashion sustainability. You will also take part in an 'ideathon' - a mini hackathon where you can hear the latest research in sustainable fashion, collaborate, develop and pitch new ideas to start or scale your fashion business.

    Winners of the ideathon will stand to receive mentorship from Reapra and our partners!

    Programme Lineup


    1. Business Case Studies: Scaling with Fashion Waste

    2. Value Chain Inefficiencies in the Fashion Industry


    • Anisa Johnny, Senior Lecturer in Fashion Marketing & Management, Raffles College of Higher Education
    • Hye Jin Kwon, Research, Reapra
    • Thu Vu, Founder, Coco Dressing Room

    Moderated by: Thu Ho, Investment, Reapra


    3. Facilitated Breakout Groups


    • Priscilla Han, CIO, Reapra
    • Anisa Johnny, Senior Lecturer in Fashion Marketing & Management, Raffles College of Higher Education
    • Dragos Necula, Co-founder, Etrican
    • Hye Jin Kwon, Research, Reapra
    • Thu Vu, Founder, Coco Dressing Room
    • Thu Ho, Investment, Reapra


    4. Ideathon Pitch



    This is an online event. The Zoom link will be provided closer to the event date.

  • 18/04/2021 06:00 - 20/04/2021 07:00

    #ClothesBusters is the theme of Threading Change's Textile Talks Series aimed at demystifying fashion myths, from clothing donations, fashion trends and fashion psychology, to the environmental and social implications of the fashion industry.

    Join us for #AreMyClothesHarmful? The fashion industry has disastrous impacts on the environment and human health and rights. It's the second-largest polluter in the world, causing many negative impacts including water pollution, waste, chemical pollution, greenhouse gas emissions, inhumane and unsafe working conditions, excessive hours, poor wages, child labour, and more. We hope to demystify and shine light on these issues so that we can push for more ethical supply chains and company practices in order to make better choices for our communities and the planet.

    Paying homage to #WhoMadeMyClothes, as it is Fashion Revolution week April 19-25.

    Panellists are:

    Roger Williams

    Roger Williams is an award-winning producer, director and cinematographer who has worked for some of the world’s most respected broadcasters and studios around the world. He has not only produced entertaining and enlightening programming, but he has also created Inspired Image Picture Company, one of the largest rental and production service companies in Canada. As a cinematographer, he continues to shoot some of the industry’s most compelling images.

    River Blue

    Aditi Mayer

    Aditi Mayer is a sustainable fashion blogger, photojournalist, labour rights activist, and frequent speaker on topics of social and environmental justice. Her work looks at fashion and culture through a lens of intersectionality and decolonization. In 2014, Aditi had her start in the sustainable fashion movement after learning about the Rana Plaza Factory Collapse. Seeing the fashion industry’s disproportionate on people of colour globally, Aditi looked to understand the historical and sociopolitical underpinnings that allow the fashion industry to function in a colonial manner, rooted in exploitation and extraction of both labour and the natural environment. Since then, she has become a leading voice in the sustainability movement, approaching her work from multiple domains: from grassroots organizing in Downtown LA’s garment district to educating folks on the importance of diverse perspectives. She also serves on the council of Intersectional Environmentalist, and will be spending 2022 as a National Geographic Digital Storytelling Fellow, spending one year documenting the social and environmental impacts of India’s fashion supply chain.

    Instagram | Website

    Delphine Williot

    With a background in environmental policy, Delphine is passionate about transforming the fashion industry into a fairer, more equitable and environmentally-conscious sector. Delphine’s work includes the Fashion Transparency Index and focuses on promoting accountability at all levels of the supply chain from a social, economic and environmental perspective. Previous to working for Fashion Revolution, Delphine worked in sustainability auditing for clients in various sectors as well as sustainability communication for a luxury fashion company.

    Ciara Barry

    Ciara is a University of Leeds Geography graduate with previous experience in the Responsible Sourcing team of a fashion brand. She is interested in the accessibility of sustainable consumption and the intersection of environmental and social justice. She is also passionate about gender equality and female empowerment in fashion supply chains, which are a major employer of women globally.

    Registration is free here


  • 18/04/2021 08:00 - 20/04/2021 09:00

    Sustainable Fashion Designer Nadia Piechestein, from TLZ Movement clothes, will be presenting an exhibition titled “Reworked Garments” this 21st. Of April. She has been reworking clothes since 2008. In this exhibition, she will be presenting fittings, hems, zips, holes and bespoke patches made from offcuts collected from her work in alterations and repairs. She will spice up a garment LIVE with patches in her studio in East London.

    Catch the event on Instagram @tlzmovementclothes

  • 18/04/2021 08:30 - 20/04/2021 10:30

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    Webinar sobre como sermos ativistas através da moda.

    Olhar para a moda como indústria integrante de um sistema capitalista, supremacista branco, patriarcal e heteronormativo, pensar o vestir como comunicação e a roupa como meio, para sermos ativistas muito para lá do consumo.

    Bio: Joana Guerra Tadeu é ecofeminista e ativista pela justiça social e climática. É acompanhada por uma comunidade de milhares de ambientalistas imperfeitos para quem cria conteúdos na área da sustentabilidade.

  • 18/04/2021 10:00 - 20/04/2021 11:00

    This is a FREE event on Zoom. Please RSVP through the Peatix link for a Zoom invite! The event will also be broadcast on Facebook Live.

    It’s no secret that the fashion industry has a waste crisis. As we wag our fingers at fashion brands that grapple with their perfectly good overstock in often destructive ways, we as consumers could also afford to take a closer look at the way we grow tired of perfectly good clothes and inadvertently fuel the creation of more - more clothing and more packaging.

    Why is there so much fashion waste? What can we do to solve this problem? And what really happens to the clothes we discard, or donate?

    With less than 10% of donated clothing actually being circulated through charity shops and 94% of all textile and plastics waste being incinerated and landfilled, perhaps it is time for us to reckon with the privilege that fuels it.

    Join us in this conversation to discuss:

    • what fashion waste looks like in Singapore
    • the role of privilege in fashion waste
    • how brands and consumers can be part of the solution
  • 19/04/2021 08:30 - 21/04/2021 10:30

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    Webinar sobre como identificar os vários truques de marketing.

    Queremos ser mais conscientes, mas a Moda está minada de marcas com promessas vagas e resultados difusos. Do fast-fashion ao greenwashing, vamos identificar os vários truques de marketing.

    Bio: Salomé Areias é uma activista apaixonada por comportamento de consumo de fashionables e por desconstruir a agenda política do consumismo.

    Segue em @salomeareias.

  • 19/04/2021 10:00 - 21/04/2021 11:00

    This is a FREE event on Zoom. Please RSVP through the Peatix link for a Zoom invite! The event will also be broadcast on Facebook Live.

    The fashion industry contributes to 10% of greenhouse gas emissions worldwide and we each play a part with or without realising it. But who can really make a difference to change the industry for the better - the people, the private sector, or the government?

    Join us as we venture beyond the fashion industry to explore this question with our speakers, who grapple with the same sustainability conundrum in other spaces, and learn how every one of us can be catalysts of change through both our personal choices and our voices.

    Through this discussion, we will discover:

    • the interconnection between different sectors and their changemaking strategies
    • how we can be part of the solution as individuals
    • how advocacy can look in Singapore