Les Canaux

By Fashion Revolution

10 months ago

Location:6 Quai de la Seine, Paris, France

Upcoming events

  • 15/04/2024 16:00 - 18/04/2024 08:30

    14:30 - ROUND TABLE 1: Embroiderers, the gentle revolution
    With embroiderers Edith Laplagne and Virginie Carrayol, and crocheter Sophie Inard,
    Moderated by Catherine Dauriac, Country Coordinator of Fashion Revolution France
    15:45 - ROUND TABLE 2: Are second-hand textiles revolutionising fashion?
    Béatrice Bellini, Senior Lecturer in Management Sciences at the University of Paris Nanterre and head of the UNESCO chair on "Sustainable consumption and inclusive societies".
    Emmanuelle Durand, Antropologist; Audrey Millet, Fashion historian
    Moderated by Maurane Nait Mazi, founder of the media company CMCM
    16:30 - TALK Audrey Millet: Abdul's Odyssey, when the dream of a sewing machine leads to the heart of organised crime
    Screening of works by photographer Victoire de Parscau and painter Laurent Proux
    17:00-19:00 Repair and know-how workshops