
Welkom bij Fashion Revolution Belgium – Soyez le bienvenu chez Fashion Revolution Belgium- Welcome to Fashion Revolution Belgium

#Whomademyclothes: dat is de vraag die we wereldwijd tijdens Fashion Revolution Week stellen aan modemerken om zo meer transparantie te eisen. En dat doen we niets voor niets, want zeven jaar geleden, op 24 april 2013, stortte in Bangladesh het gebouwencomplex Rana Plaza in Bangladesh in. 1.138 kledingarbeiders kwamen hierbij om het leven en er vielen meer dan 2500 gewonden. Al snel bleek dat kledingmerken die wij in het Westen dragen, in deze onveilige fabrieken hun kleding lieten maken. Het instorten van Rana Plaza werd wereldnieuws.

Een jaar later vond de eerste Fashion Revolution Day plaats waarop miljoenen mensen wereldwijd de vraag stellen: #whomademyclothes

Doe jij ook mee om onze stem uit België samen luider te maken om te zeggen “enough is enough”?


The fashion industry too often comes down to the question of profits. The societal and environmental aspect are relegated to the background. On April 24, 2013 more than 1,130 people were killed when the Rana Plaza textile factory in Dhaka, Bangladesh collapsed. A year later, to the day, the Fashion Revolution Day movement is launched by the British designer Carry Somers (Pachacuti).

The goal ? Pay tribute to the victims of the tragedy, speak with one voice against these practices of the fashion industry and mobilize people worldwide to ask the question of the origin of their clothes. By whom and how are they produced? Fashion Revolution Day proves that a change is possible. The movement celebrates those who invest in creating a more sustainable, more transparent fashion.

Thus, many events, projects & actions are set up in over 100 countries by designers, associations, companies, institutions, brands, stores and the consumers themselves. All under the same slogan: “Who Made My Clothes?”. The week of 20 to 26 of April 2020 is the main action of the movement to ask massively this question directly to textile and clothing companies. This is a call for transparency, one of the main problems in the fashion industry’s supply chain.

Want to join the movement in Belgium, take action and say with one voice “who made my clothes?

Follow us on Facebook and Twitter.


Country Coordinator

Ellen Haverhals

Ellen Haverhals

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Sharifa Jamaldin

Sharifa Jamaldin

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Country Team

Claudia Castanheira

Claudia Castanheira

Educational Coordinator

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Priscilla Nollé

Priscilla Nollé

Social Media & Project Manager

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Tatiana De Wee

Tatiana De Wee


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Fashion Revolution is only nine years old and already the world’s largest fashion activism movement.
We will continue to push for greater transparency through investigative research,
inspiring informative content and creative events, but we need your help.


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