Shaping Fashion Davos Lab: Conscious Consumption to Consumer Activism

By Fashion Revolution

3 years ago

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Together we are amplifying youth voices in the recovery plan. How can we drive conscious consumption to consumer activism!
Although more and more people are becoming aware that the fashion industry has detrimental social and environmental effects. Our consumption patterns have not changed much. With a growing population the pressure on society is unlikely to change. The corona pandemic has shown the vulnerability of the fashion system and the need for a revolution in our relationships, with each other, within fashion supply chains and with the natural world.

That is why we want to build a new future. It is time for us to shape a sustainable fashion industry. It is time for us to move beyond conscious consumption to become conscious citizens. It is time for us to move from intention to action. Will you help us shape a youth-driven recovery plan and millennial manifesto?

Join us for the Shaping Fashion Davos Lab hosted by Global Shapers Community and have your voice heard as a part of the World Economic Forum agenda!

Date: 20 April 16.00 - 17.00 CET, 10.00 - 11.00 AM EST

Format: online Zoom call, speaker kick-off and interactive breakout sessions

Hosts: Global Shapers Community - Shaping Fashion Committee for Fashion Revolution Week.
